A well spent holiday

I have a confession to make.

I had a good ten days off this holiday season, but didn’t write a word.

Oh, I intended to–I figured I’d at least finish off the first draft of my Courts series (which you can read more about on my Books page). It’s my habit to get up a bit earlier than my wife each morning, take the dog out, and do some writing before the day starts–but this holiday, I found myself with different priorities.

Just as the holiday started, one of my favourite indie authors, J. M. Ney-Grimm, released a short story called Perilous Chance. I picked it up right away. I also found a couple books at the library that I’ve been wanting to read for some time–Captain Nemo and Death Warmed Over by Kevin J Anderson. After Christmas, I used a gift certificate to pick up another of his books, Clockwork Angels, which has been on my reading list since the release of the Rush album it was written alongside.

Needless to say, I had a lot of reading material this holiday. I didn’t get any writing done, but I read several books, almost all of them indie. And you know what they say. A writer should always be reading.

So this gave me an idea. If you’ve been following my blog, you know that occasionally (once or twice a month) I offer an Indie Review–a look at a book written and published by an indie author. Since I’ve not been posting over the holiday and got so much reading done, I figured I’d catch up with a special series of reviews this week.

So, over the next four days, keep your eyes open for some great Indie work, featured right here! We’ll start tomorrow with a writer I was introduced to by happy accident after mistyping a title in the Kobo search bar–Leah Cutter.


One comment on “A well spent holiday

  1. […] I mentioned yesterday, over the holiday I used a gift certificate to pick up a book I’ve been wanting to read for […]

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